Friday, July 31, 2009

everyday objects objectified

saturate me with color - anytime

this is NOT a color most commonly found in nature, but was found in my yard
go figure

visions of liquids dance in my head
heatwave induced desires
willful wooziness

my special set of friends on the opposing color spectrum
meet them and smile

it's still in the 90's and it feels like relief
it's all perspective
out of the basement "cave" this p.m.
my, haven't felt this perky in days

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Thursday, July 30, 2009

i promised you flowers

rolling with the heatwaves
rinsing in the ripples of the rive
hiding out in basement coolness
limiting myself in order to relieve myself

why yes, just a bit
caught up in nature's pattern
maybe the worst in 30 years
maybe 70

i think of all of you send you cool dreams licks of ice cream and a handsome man to install your state of the art air conditioning today no delay

i am a little topsy turvey
out of sorts
plans gone awry
keeping the little furry friend alive
extra water and tlc
slept in the basement to find the cool
my back is broke but the dog snored the night through
dreaming of chew toys galore
and cool fields to run

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

my dreams are of water

triple digit weather today
no air con for 87% of local population
we all need WATER

top photo
a lovely fountain in our little city center

dip your toes
hell - go under!
next, our lovely river
(photo from our recent rubber ducky derby :) )
where you can meet a little slice of the world these days
cooling off
committing themselves to the slowness of heat

a mister installed at the farmers market yesterday to keep us all a little moister
i am trying to live like a person on the other side of the equator
up early
seista at noon
seeking the comfort of dark corners and shade where i can find it
however, i won't be finding it in front of the computer to much
count me a slightly MIA for the next couple of days
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Monday, July 27, 2009

i am melting

it is in the nineties, and i am sweating whenever i come to rest in one spot
i have to make this quick
because i am melting

this is the local pool
i have a pass
it has been so blaringly hot the i didn't even go today
is that the silliest thing you have ever heard or what?

i am not the biggest wuss ever, because i lived in asia for years
and in humidity that made my hair curl
but i must be out of practice
and i am feeling
highly unproductive and a shade

i look for a breeze
everywhere and anywhere
my dog and i did go to the river and take a dip
everyone and their mother was there
is was rather sweet
but we still got out and felt lethargic
can i write myself a pass for this week?
too hot to really do much except whine
and read trashy summer novels
and get sick on sorbet
'cuz it feels so good and cold going down
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stilted dance

birdlike feathers let us all flock together
peacock proudness, yet a wee bit demure

stand up tall
smell the air
waggle it like you just don't care

visions can take flight
a small anthill can grow into a hole
or the next best destination you never thought you knew

lessons in flying
stage one
prepare for anything
stage two
forget everything you know
to make room
for the crazy NEW

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Saturday, July 25, 2009


if you were a clown. what kind of inner silliness would you channel?

Moogie, you know that this one's for you
just make sure he wipes his feet before doing any hip swiveling
and of course, full disclosure of all Elvis related events

a soulful moment for a brigand and a pirate

the car, the duck, the wonder
a hot and sweaty parade
generations rubbing elbows
eating too much
mopping a brow
smiles for miles

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oh the fun, the fantasy, the flair

streamers blowing, billowing in the air and hanging out like they just don't care
we should be like a bit of tinsel twisting in the wind
flocks flowing
panties showing
crisp bit of sparkle dressing up our skies

makes you wanna just jump in and have your hands full of wonder and creation
hang your flag, call out your signs
just glad to be getting there
full of good intentions and breathless speed

jubilant life fully embraced feminine fun
photo op
fully realized

beat your own drum
make a noise and wriggle free of your confines and convictions
forget that there are a dozen fanfares and write your first one
make it rich
and clanging
so you can reverberate your truth
all the way down to your soul

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Friday, July 24, 2009

it's an invasion

don't take me off to the rubber room just yet
this is all beyond my control
my city is overrun with these little yellow suckers
looking cute, trying to "fit in"
they even have been trying to pass themselves off as people I know

i can' t lie
i am smitten by the soft and sometimes squeaky nature of this waterlogged beasts

my friend, Deb, these are all her little creations
we are celebrating our little town this weekend and on Sunday
hundreds of these little rubber duckies will go on a float down our main river drag

i had to share our local shennanigans with you
okay, not everyone is into the fun
some have been overheard to say
f*ck the duck

party poopers, one and all
probably have an aversion to the color yellow
maybe they never had bathtime play toys
that could be remedied
floating down the river with 500 rubber duckies would make anyone look at life from a sunnier perspective

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Thursday, July 23, 2009

little towns. big finds

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When visiting elsewhere, the charm of a place sinks in and makes you giddy helpless not to smile. This turquoise wonder of a laundromat is now sporting air conditioning, the new sign hung outside states invitingly - wooow, big city here we come.

The on-site proprietor just continued to watch some kind of race on telly, and let me oooohh and aahhhh over the lovely color that permeated everything within - turquoise. My luv color of all vintage finds.

These chairs, once at home in a local theater and now outside seating at a little eatery are just posh - no other term for them. Just look at that detail on the sides. Heaven.

I am a shutter bug, no doubt about it. The call of the wild yet undiscovered world just waiting to be framed within my viewfinder. Oh blogosphere, you make this all so much more fun and plausible possible. Thank you.
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Wednesday, July 22, 2009


summer fun the colors of summer remembering to stop remembering to summer

hot weather
always makes me want to have fried food -
must be my memories
baseball parks filled with little leaguers, swim meets in Southern Cal, bowling alleys with beer and fries

i can pull over in a minute to look at a sky that has the action of Zeus within it's airy grasp

little morsels of heaven - a no no for me, but a definite YES for summer
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