the worms crawl in
the worms crawl out
if you want a cute cupcake
you are in the wrong crowd
some visitors fly in the face of squirmy, wormy fareFlat Moogie, visiting from moogielandis completely awareand still has not a careas long as she gets chocolate on demandand all rights to the licking spoon this is where the ucky, yucky baked cakes met their final resting place
the festivities were on and the crowd was smacking their lips
many of the cup sized morsels would be but a brief but sinfully sweet memory

wanna make some of these graveyard delights?
First -
use a cake mix, follow the directions for cupcakes, but put some LUV into it girls, add chocolate milk instead of water, or buttermilk and when it comes to the oil - maybe use that stuff we call butter
Then -
take an 8oz of cream cheese (okay, this could be lowfat), room temperature, and half a bag of semisweet chocolate chips that you have melted carefully on a double boiler on the stove. whip together, add a teaspoon of vanilla for good measure, and approx. 3 cups of powdered sugar. frost right away.
Decorate -
with crumbled oreo cookies (about 7, without the creamy middles), and some gummi sour worms. makes it look like death warmed over at the cemetery.
Flat Moogie will be visiting madlycreative for a few days - so stay tuned to her crazy antics. she is from the south - who knows what that might end up being...