Tuesday, October 13, 2009

halloween can make you happy

here is my wee little holiday bag
that brings in the halloween cheer
and adds the right amount of dash
to every autumn outfit

here is the cupcake that i ate
it was a gift
fresh from the baker's hands
and went straight to my tummy
via the camera lens
and then, really, went straight into my tummy

a jack o'lantern toothy grin
for all who believe in the pumpkin patch
the tooth fairy
and a good sweet tooth
whose craving was blessedly filled
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  1. That is one cute bag Lady P. And the cupcake, I'm not even going to talk about because you already ate it and it's gone..gone..gone. (Totally adorable, though)

    I'm bummed because this year we'll be out of town for a wedding on Halloween, so no handing out treats to the neighborhood kiddies. I hope we don't get tricked!

  2. Is thatorange jelly pumpkin on top of the cupcake?

  3. *grins* now is the time to be sceary and creepy :) too bad the cupcake is to cute for words. Will send you pixies of what my darling sister in law (on roberts side) did last year.. chopped off fingers (nails and all) in marsipan.. was beutifull :D We've atleast now got food on the table, and we're getting one step closer to actualy beeing able to live again. Wohooo! sending lottsa love oh and just for the record, the original mr rochester was way sexier (the new one was too much pretty boy.. not good.. :) ) like my men cragy and gruff :D

  4. oh my dear, your photos are so cute :-) specially the bag on the bench

  5. How would you like Flat Moogie to come spend Halloween with you? I hate to think of the mischief you two will get into.

    The Halloween tote is too cute for words. And the cupcake looks so very yummy. But it would not have sat there long enough for a picture if I were there. You would have only a cupcake liner sucked clean to post on your blog.

  6. yumminess...and so much of it..

  7. mmmm! yummy! =)


  8. All I can think of is "Fat Bastard" from Austin Powers when hes says. "Get in mah tummy!"

    This vicariously eatin of digital cup cakes is rather slimming...


I love it when you talk to me = really, I'm not being the least bit funny!